Blog Post

mEco Merchandise's Best-Selling Products of 2019

  • by Jane McKeon
  • 25 Nov, 2019

What a year it has been for uncovering innovative and sustainable merchandise and products! Here are just a few of our favourites… along with a couple of our best surprises

100% biodegradable water bottle made from cane sugar and bamboo

Having worked with clients and merchandising for over 20 years, the last 12 months have been really inspiring when seeing how businesses from all industries and areas are taking real action when it comes to making sustainable choices that benefit the planet (as well as their budgets).

For all of us at Meco merchandise, it’s our aim to always be looking for new innovative products and solutions that we can offer our clients – and we love being able to surprise them with our sourcing (anyone for a token made from recycled fishing nets or a poncho made from corn kernels?).

Here are just a few of our best-selling products of this year and a couple of our favourites that we can’t wait to share with our clients…

1.   Stainless Steel Bottles and Mugs – these are always going to be hugely popular for all businesses whether they are in events or economics. A really easy switch to make from traditional plastic bottles (we still have a way to go to reduce the 5.5billion plastic bottles that are discarded every year), our stainless steel branded versions have been really successful especially at conferences (guests loved being able to literally ‘hang out at the water cooler’ when they refilled) as well as outdoor events such as Boat Shows and Music Festivals

Stainless Steel Water Bottles

2.  Cutlery and Metal Straws – the world has already realised the dramatic impact plastic straws have on the environment (over 500 million straws are used in the US alone every day) and thankfully we have had a lot of clients interested in our metal straws that are reuseable and recyclable. Added together with our biodegradable and metal cutlery sets, suddenly outdoor catering for large events has a sustainable and eco-friendly solution that is as elegant as it is green.

Stainless Steel Cutlery and Metal Straw Set

3.  Recycled Sunglasses – it’s not just about reducing the amount of plastic waste in the world at mEco Merchandise, it is also about recycling the plastic we still have - which is why we love our recycled sunglasses that have been made out of 100% plastic waste. Ideal for summer events and they can also be branded with logos on the frames and cases – they are a great way of repurposing plastic that would otherwise live in landfill.

Recycled Sunglasses Made From rPET

4.   Neutral Clothing – we realise how important it is to ensure all lines of production are also working with their community and environment in mind, which is why we source clothing that is 100% organic Fairtrade cotton and is manufactured and certified according to the highest social, ethical and environmental standards: even the packaging the clothing comes in is eco-friendly!

Neutral Clothing made with 100% Fairtrade Cotton

5.   Sugar Cane & Corn Starch – our biggest surprise this year has been in the new materials that are being used in different products. First it was our Sugar Cane Water Bottle – we are still amazed at how it doesn’t leak (surely, it’s made of sugar??) and now we discovered Corn Starch is keeping us dry under ponchos made from corn kernels: 100% compostable, 100% biodegradeable and 100% waterproof material. Who knows what we will we wearing next year!?

100% Biodegradable Water Bottle Made from Sugar Cane and Bamboo

For more surprising and innovative merchandising and promotional products that are as sustainable as they are cost-saving, visit or drop us a line at and let us know how we can help with your planet-friendly purchasing.  

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